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CCP continues to remove overgrowth from river

Sandy Belloni, Community Connection Projects CIC (CCP), has been working to clear overgrowth along the river, to allow better water flow and improve habitats for local species.

Oxhey Park and Lairage Land have seen berm consolidation recently. The river corridor in general has also benefitted from the clearance of fallen trees, and translocation of river plants from areas where they are chocking the flow, to areas where they will thrive.

Berms can be used to direct the flow of water through ponds, pools, or wetlands, which in turn increases the health of the river as it allows for species to grow and thrive.

CCP is also continually sowing and growing new river plants in a poly tunnel, which are then planted in suitable river locations. This is alongside continual work to clear the riverbank and the river itself of bikes and shopping trollies

In October, work experience students will be helping CCP to do some clearance work, and in November the Wild Trout Trust will join CCP for a day for berm consolidation. Everyone is welcome to join the CCP’s bank of volunteers who help clear litter – either in an arranged group session, or just go out and litter pick independently!

You can follow to work of CCP on ‘Watford in the Water’ Facebook page, as well as the Rediscovering the River Colne website.

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