Households across Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire can benefit from free one-to-one energy efficiency and money saving advice from community charity, Groundwork.

Terence Cary, Bedfordshire Green Doctor (Source: Groundwork East)
Groundwork Green Doctors are energy efficiency experts who provide free support to individuals and households struggling to heat their homes. They can provide advice over the phone or arrange a home visit to offer practical guidance on energy saving, draught proofing, help to understand bills and they can make referrals to other local support services, including debt advice and food banks.
Lots of people are eligible, including people over 65, households with children under 5, those in receipt of benefits and people with physical or mental health conditions.
Figures show that 14.2% of households in Bedford are living in fuel poverty, compared to a national average of 13.06% (13.2% across the East of England).[1] Last year, gas consumption of Bedford residents fell by 10.6%[2], the largest decrease in domestic gas usage since comparable records began in 2006. With the cut to winter fuel support, more people than ever are finding themselves struggling to heat their homes.
Alongside self-referrals, local agencies such as Councils, housing associations, charities and foodbanks can signpost residents to the Green Doctor service through promotion and referrals.
Support from Groundwork’s Green Doctors is completely free and available to those who are:
Over 65
Households with children under the age of 5
In receipt of benfits
Struggling to pay energy bills
Finding it hard to manage fuel debt
Getting confused by energy bills
Owing money to energy suppliers
Using alternative methods to stay warm - such as staying in bed or wearing lots of clothes indoors
Worrying about keeping warm or choosing between eating and eating
Feeling that the home is cold, damp or draughty
Suffering with respiratory problems (e.g. asthma or persistent cough)
Living with physical or mental health conditions
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire residents can complete a quick enquiry form on the 'Green Doctor' website.
Terence Carty, Bedfordshire Green Doctor said: “We are needed more so now than ever, more people are suffering from the effects of rising energy prices, which is also having a knock-on effect on their wellbeing, including physical and mental health.
“What we do initially all depends on the resident’s concerns and situation. Many people are finding themselves struggling for the first time, and it’s always good to be able to see the immediate effects of Green Doctor support in people’s homes. There is so much we can do to help people reduce their energy spend and also help them with other issues.”
In 2024 Groundwork Green doctors visited more than 15,000 homes across the country, identifying savings worth £2.45m, and more than 5000 tonnes of carbon from reduced energy use. In some instances, Green Doctors can install energy saving measures such as radiator panels and insulation and provide equipment such as air fryers, dehumidifiers and food vouchers.
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire residents can book a free consultation online, or by emailing or calling 01707 260129.