It was a cool day on Sunday 27 February, when thirteen young people joined Groundwork East and Herts County Council at Knutsford Playing Fields to celebrate the River Colne through a mural painting session.
The session was organised to help increase young people’s confidence in group working, and to help them take pride in their local green spaces. Talented local artist Mark Tanti (from Demograffix) helped to guide the young people in using spray paints – for the first time on canvases, before moving onto the underpass wall, using stencils to depict the River Colne and its local wildlife.
This mural is a part of the Rediscovering the River Colne Programme, which aims to connect local people with the river system and seek their help in restoring it back to health. Many of the participants were local college art students, with one saying “This will be great for my college portfolio, to demonstrate my participation in community artwork”.
Anthony Boucher, Director Highways Operations, Hertfordshire County Council said, “As a County Council we are pleased to support this project, improving the environment and walking routes along the river fits in with our plans for a cleaner, greener and healthier Hertfordshire. Working with young people and giving them the opportunity to be really involved is so important and the improvements along the river can be enjoyed by everyone. “
Passers-by were very happy to see the wall brightly coloured and decorated by the youth group, saying it looked wonderful and very professionally done.
If you would like to hear more about the Rediscovering the River Colne Programme and get more involved, visit